Member Profiles

John Madison

John Madison-profile-image

I love music and I love worship. I came to know Jesus Christ because of a concert I went to in 1972. The group was called "Alpha and Omega". Because of this group and a few miraculous things the Lord had orchestrated in my life, I made a decision for Christ. The Holy Spirit did all the work, because for several years I rarely spent time in God's Word, the Bible. In 1997 I started to go to a group called "Cross Trainers" on Wednesday mornings. This was a mens group with about 300 men. We met at 6:00 a.m. every Wednesday before work. The Holy Spirit really started working in my life and I began to read God's Word. My life has never been the same. God just keeps drawing me in and through the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit, I started to realize a real personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Because I came to Christ through this concert, God has laid on my heart to be a part of the Home Before Dark Group. Our Mission is to share the Good News of Life Eternal through the shed blood of Jesus Christ; through His death and resurrection. The Bible says that All have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and are justified freely by His grace through Jesus Christ (Romans 3:24). It's a simple thing to receive Christ. But it comes at a high cost to our Lord Jesus Christ. For He was crucified for our sins and gave us His righteousness (Right Standing Before God). All we have to do is believe and receive Christ. In believing in Christ we surrender our lives for Christ's purpose and call, which is to repent of our sins, turn around and go the opposite way. My old nature has been crucified with Christ, and he has made me "Brand New". Now my life is not my own. It belongs to Jesus Christ and it is so much better.

It's a privilege to serve Him through music and testimony. To love Him enough to take His message to everybody. "EVERYBODY" is loved by God and He calls us to do the same. Our goal is to get everybody Home Before Dark!

Larry Ewing

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My interest in music started at the age of 3 with a wind-up Casper the Ghost guitar. By the time I was 8 years old, I had an acoustic guitar from Sears and was taking lessons at the Y. As a teenager my guitar obsession grew. I spent hours sitting in my room, playing with records and learning how to play like my guitar heroes. Once I reached my 30’s, I was writing music with a good friend and recording in the basement.

Then one day, the contemporary worship leader from church called. She said she heard I play a pretty mean bass. Me, play the bass, at church? Yeah, why not! Eventually I became a worship leader in the very same church. It was then that I came to understand how all those experiences, from Casper the Ghost to making music in the basement to leading worship on Sunday, they all prepared me for what I am doing now. This has been God’s plan for me from the very beginning.

Home Before Dark is God’s plan for all of us involved in this ministry. We share with the world around us; God’s word, God’s love and God’s message of hope and salvation. We hope to see you soon. God bless.

DJ Golightly

DJ Golightly-profile-image

Music has always been a big part of my life. However, early in life it was nothing more
than singing along with the radio or jamming with my guitar to one of my favorite
records. I was focused on sports in high school, and never did anything musical except
the required chorus class. That all changed when I got involved with my church choir
when I was about 30. My wife had been going and having such a good time, I thought
I’d try it out. I loved it. The first time I was asked to sing a solo, I was terrified. But I
found that if I would simply give my fear to God, and ask him to help me bring glory to
himself, he never let me down.

The first time I heard a true praise worship band was on a youth group trip to Central
College in Pella, Iowa. They played Open the Eyes of My Heart, and that’s exactly what
God did in my life at that very moment – opening my heart to how powerful music can
be in worship. From there I got involved in the Praise Team at my church and eventually
became a singer for Home Before Dark. It is a true joy to me to serve God in this way.

Seth Ruppert

Seth Ruppert-profile-image

Seth is our rocking drummer and is the coordinator for Home Before Dark

Aaron Walck

Aaron Walck-profile-image

Aaron plays our bass and sometimes handles the keys for us!

Brian Fagerstrom

Brian  Fagerstrom-profile-image

Brian runs our sound system. He makes us sound good and concentrates on the equipment we need to get the job done.